Greetings and welcome to my website, I am David Avendaño Pinzón -d@p-, Designer and developer of web-based Apps.
We are the type intensely enthusiastic about making things that works, simple and secure, that solve problems, with a high impact on user activities and, finally, at the end of the day helps users improve their processes.
To achieve this, we focus our efforts on delivering high-quality products and utilities using tools such as: Python, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MySQL and SQLite; With these we have carried out multiple web, personal, proofs of concept and mainly of a professional type for important clients in the Oil & Gas industry, especially in Mexico.
13 years of experience in the Venezuelan Oil Industry (CORPOVEN: 7 years, PDVSA: 5 years, AMERIVEN (PDVSA-Chevron Texaco): 1.5 years) resulted as a school at its finest: discipline, technical rigor, client/supplier vision, collaboration, team approach and the human aspect: many, many learnings that today we value, respect and carry with pride.
Confidentiality is an important part of the prestige we want to achieve and trust is one of its fundamental pillars and we are proud of this aspect. You can visit the Projects, there we present, in the form of images, some highlights of the main private projects and a link to the active websites that are available.
Updates in the use of new tools are essential and we are currently testing and 'playing': React, NodeJS and other database models to expand the range of solutions and stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in the IT environment. web development, as well as other important areas such as the use of Docker containers and mobile development platform such as Kotlin.
I confess that, although I like collaborative work, sometimes I have been forced to come up with the resources that I can manage by myself and solve, especially if there is a client involved, we must take care of and appreciate them; Collaborating with other developers is definitely one of the best ways to create solutions.
After a day of loops, arrays, tables, a lot of coffee and enthusiasm after locating and correcting a bug, going for a jog or a strong walk is one of the best activities, you clear your mind, you breathe fresh air and you talk trivialities with the neighbors (spend 10 minutes on it and if they are elderly, spend 20:).
If you require more information about my projects or think I could support you in some way in your software initiatives, we would be happy to talk.
Thank you for visiting my website!